1 | 分区供暖似乎一直作为德国传统方式的一部分,但由于政府削减经费终于面临紧张的局面。为改造前东德的破烂不堪的管道而投入的大量资金于1995年终止。 | District heating, which always seemed part of the establishment in Germany, is finally coming under pressure from government cutbacks. The massive funding made available to reinstate the crumbling networks in former East Germany came to an end in 1995. | |
2 | 符合以下说明的安排:本公司及其任何附属公司并不向董事或前董事提供特别的利益,但根据该项安排本公司或该附属公司的雇员及董事(或前雇员及董事)可得到利益;及 | an arrangement under which benefits are made available to employees and directors or former employees and directors of the company or any of its subsidiaries, which do not provide special benefits for directors or former directors; or | |
3 | 该报告得到了高度的评价,通过互联网,公司所有职员以及我们的贸易伙伴都能看到得到这个报告。 | The report was awarded a high rating and has been made available to all our employees and dealers through the Internet. | |
4 | 该信贷额度经你行三日前通知,即可使用。有效期为一年。如贵行有意,希即函复以便洽商具体条件。 | This credit line is made available at any time subject to your 3-day prior notice to us and remains valid for a period of one year. If you are interested, please write to us for further discussion on the terms and conditions. | |
5 | 各成员应保证迅速公布己采用的所有合格评定程序,或以可使其他成员中的利害关系方知晓的其他方式提供。 | Members shall ensure that all conformity assessment procedures which have been adopted are published promptly or otherwise made available in such a manner as to enable interested parties in other Members to become acquainted with them. | |
6 | 各成员应保证迅速公布已采用的所有技术法规,或以可使其他成员中的利害关系方知晓的其他方式提供。 | Members shall ensure that all technical regulations which have been adopted are published promptly or otherwise made available in such a manner as to enable interested parties in other Members to become acquainted with them. | |
7 | 工程师可以考虑承包商对提交投标文件时合理预见的外界条件提交的任何证据,但不受这些证据的约束。 | The Engineer may take account of any evidence of the physical conditions foreseen by the Contractor when submitting the Tender, which may be made available by the Contractor, but shall not be bound by any such evidence. | |
8 | 雇主应向承包商提供向雇主或雇主代表根据有关该项工程的勘察所取得的水文地质资料 | The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor such data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions as have been obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations undertaken relevant to the Works | |
9 | 国民经济的市场化日见重要,社会化程度也愈益明显提高 | Market has noticeably assumed greater importance in the national economy and more and more social services have been made available | |
10 | 技术说明文件意指UPS据此就UPS技术或UPS标志向您提供或供您取用之任何及全部说明文件和(或)样品计算机软件代码。 | Technical Documentation means collectively any and all documentation and/or sample computer software code regarding the UPS Technology or the UPS Mark provided or made available to You by UPS hereunder. | |
11 | 寄件人及其代理人也可通过电子方式获得包裹接收者的签名及姓氏以作为投递证据。 | The package recipient′s signature and surname are also made available by electronic means to the shipper and its agents as proof of delivery. | |
12 | 教皇可以通过免罪罚来支取,这样灵魂在炼狱里“获救”了一段时间。 | This could be made available by the pope through indulgences, by which the soul was "let-off" a certain period in purgatory | |
13 | 今后几年,在保护环境可持续发展的前提下,各国在为世界人民提供充足且价格合理的食物和纤维方面将面临严峻挑战。 | Over the next several years, all nations will face important challenges as they work to ensure sufficient affordable food and fiber are made available to the world’s people in an environmentally sustainable manner. | |
14 | 尽管一个新式样推出的初期价格较高,但很快价格会有变化。 | Although a new style may originate at a high price, it can quickly be made available at various prices. | |
15 | 居民委员会的办公用房,由当地人民政府统筹解决。 | The office premises for a residents committee shall be made available by the local people’s government through overall planning. | |
16 | 开证行必须对办理可撤销信用证项下延期付款的另一家银行,在其收到修改或撤销通知之前已接受表面与信用证条款相符的单据者,予以偿付。 | The Issuing Bank must reimburse another bank with which a revocable Credit has been made available for deferred payment, if such a bank has, prior to receipt by it of notice of amendment or cancellation, taken up documents, which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit. | |
17 | 勘探开发海洋石油,必须配备相应的防污设施和器材,采取有效的技术措施,防止井喷和漏油事故的发生。 | In exploring and exploiting offshore oil resources, appropriate anti-pollution facilities and equipment shall be made available , and effective technical measures shall be taken to prevent blowouts or accidents from oil leakage. | |
18 | 例如,与国有和国家投资企业进口用于货物组装、而此类货物随后出口、或可供商业销售或使用,或用于非政府目的物资和机器有关的任何措施,这些货物不会被视为与政府采购有关的措施。 | For example, any measure relating to state-owned and state-invested enterprises importing materials and machinery used in the assembly of goods, which were then exported or otherwise made available for commercial sale or use or for non-governmental purposes, would not be considered to be a measure relating to government procurement." | |
19 | 每一起诉方提交的书面陈述应可使其他起诉方获得,且每一起诉方有权在任何其他起诉方向专家组陈述意见时在场。 | The written submissions by each of the complainants shall be made available to the other complainants, and each complainant shall have the right to be present when any one of the other complainants presents its views to the panel | |
20 | 民用航空器权利登记事项,可以供公众查询、复制或者摘录。 | Matters registered concerning the rights of civil aircraft may be made available to the public for inquiry, reproduction or extraction. | |
21 | 南昌新建的又一座国际集装箱码头日前交付使用,从而进一步改善了内陆省江西现有的对外通道状况。 | In Nanchang, another recently built international container terminal was made available for operation recently, thereby further improving conditions of the existing external passageway of Jiangxi, an inland province | |
22 | 您的个人数据也可供我们的经销商、代理或戴姆勒-克莱斯勒股份公司集团的其它公司使用。 | Your personal data may be made available to our dealers, agents or other DaimlerChrysler companies. | |
23 | 批准该计画先要有可用的资金. | Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available . | |
24 | 评估纪录应在咨询员工与/或员工代表意见并邀请员工与/或员工代表参与的情况下完成, | The records of assessments should be drawn up with the consultation and participation of the workers and/or their representatives and made available to them for information. | |
25 | 确保将资源投向最能取得经济和环境效益的地方。 | and thus to ensure that resources are made available where they provide the most benefit in both financial and environmental terms. | |
26 | 然而,开证行必须做到对办理可撤销信用证项下即期付款、承兑或议付的另一家银行,在其收到修改或撤销通知之前已凭表面与信用证条款相符的单据作出的任何付款、承兑或议付者,予以偿付 | However, the Issuing Bank must reimburse another bank with which a revocable Credit has been made available for sight payment, acceptance or negotiation for any payment, acceptance or negotiation made by such bank-prior to receipt by it of notice of amendment or cancellation, against documents which appear on their face to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit. | |
27 | 如规定要求提供检验、测量及试验设备之有关技术资料,则于顾客或顾客代表提出要求时,应可立即提供此等资料,以证明检验、测量及试验设备具有功能之适当性。 | Where the availability of technical data pertaining to the inspection, measuring and test equipment is a specified requirement, such data shall be made available , when required by the customer or the customer’s representative, for verification that the inspection, measuring and test equipment is functionally adequate. | |
28 | 如果您的轮胎已采用防爆技术,而替换轮胎无法在四小时内提供,我们将提供另外的机动服务。 | If your tyres have RunFlat technology, further mobility services will be provided if replacement tyres cannot be made available within 4 hours. | |
29 | 如果未显示该列表,说明该下载尚未具有英语之外的语言版本。 | If the list does not appear, the download has not yet been made available in languages other than English. | |
30 | 如卖方有理由认为,软件已在许可期间提供给任何第三方或者在任何其他处理机或配置设备上执行,用户应向许可人解释说明。 | And if Company reasonably believes that the Software has been made available to any third party or executed on any other processor or equipment configuration during the term of the license, Customer shall provide an explanation. |